Thursday, December 29, 2005

Something else to be addicted to...

First I was hooked on Ebay. I went through my closets, my doo-dads, my junk. I took pictures of my junk. I carefully worded the ads for my junk and thoughtfully priced it. I would obsessively watch the number of hits my junk got and jump up and down and cheer when people would buy my previously worn maternity bathing suit. I had a very exciting couple of months with my friend Ebay. It eventually got tiresome and I no longer had suitable junk to sell.

Now I've discovered a lovely little thing called FreeCycle! Instead of hauling your unwanted crap to the dump, you can post it on your local FreeCycle group and have many many people email you immediately and tell you how much they really need or want your junk! Of course, it makes you no money... but if you really aren't going to use something anymore and you don't mind giving it away for free, you can always find SOMEONE who wants it.

Today is a FreeCycle kind of day. I am in organization mode and I have spent a good part of the day shuffling through lots of different stuff and cleaning. I listed a whole pile of my junk on the site and I've excitedly been sitting here emailing replies "Yes, those electric candles are YOURS!", or "You got it! I'll save these Happy Retirement stickers aside for YOU!". I love it.

I know I have an addictive personality. At least my latest craze is useful.


Anonymous said...

Whenever I hear that cleaning can be a disorder. I think "Who are those people?". What am I doing, while I'm not cleaning? Sittin around! That's what. Another thing/ What's with people and Air freshners? What do I smell?

Jimmy James said...

What I don't like is people who stink and have No point!,

C'mom! Mr. Farts you didn't even make any sense about the freecycle stuff. What a jerk! I bet you would cheat at Clue (if you could)...

Cat Jordan said...

Ah, a case of Dr. James and Mr. Farts.... I think you celebrated too much last night wee one. Air fresheners are NECESSITY in this house of FOUR boys and one poor woman trying to scrape peanut butter off the carpet and clean pee droplets off the bathroom floor. Now, shuta your mouth. Oh, and by the way, your right, what does your comment have to do with Freecycle? Ya ninkumpoop. How do you spell that?